Breaking Through Beliefs
Reclaim your reality
Are you ready to liberate yourself
from the matrix?
Did you know that your reality is controlled by your mind?
Did you know that every choice, perception, and ideas come from the mind? The subconscious mind controls 95% of your reality. You can crack open and hijack the matrix by changing your beliefs and perceptions.
So..... If you are ready.... Then...
Are you ready for dna activations? Are you ready to unlock you divine union template?
When you unravel traumas, beliefs, and inner child you will unlock your authenticity and purpose.
Hypnotherapy and quantum healing is design to unlock the plug from the matrix that has kept you trapped in a reality that keeps you from your authenticity and purpose.
When you dissolve your old beliefs and patters, then you can unravel, heal, and create the reality you want.

Before you sign up lets decide if your ready...
You are ready for the 3, 6, 12 month container and committed to breaking through your limits and ready to access your reality you desire.
You are ready to unlock your reality by breaking down limitations, beliefs, and dive into the shadow aspects of yourself. You are open to energy work and light-language activations to unlock your dormant DNA. You are ready for a life changing reality.
You have tried other coaching or modalities that haven't given you the freedom you desire, Yet you know what you want and can really see and feel the reality you want.
This mentorship program is for you if you are ready to do the work and want to crack open your heart to breakdown the walls that you've created to keep you in a trapped your current reality.
Who is this for?
This mentorship program is design for all that are ready to unlock their unconscious minds. The mentorship is designed to dissolve, unlock, and activate your magic and your remembering of who you are without limitations. Its time for you to become limitless....

If you are a mentor, healer, Starseed, light-worker, life coach, or a human on their ascension journey this will help you find the blind spots in your life, business, healing journey, and activate your remembering.
A busy parent trying to become a better person for your kids. This program will help you unlock and heal the little versions of yourself to assist you in being a healthy safe parent. While being coached through concious parenting to see a perception from a child's eyes. This will be heart centered to assist in activating your heart.
A young adult trying to find purpose, direction, and motivation in life. This program will clear out the limitations, blocks, and active your purpose to breakthrough to create the life you want.
A creator who loves to create music, art, content and feels blocked and cant figure out why. This program will assist in dissolving your creative blocks.
A Wife or Husband in a relationship that is striving to be the best version of yourself. This mentorship is activating your divine partnership. Utilizing the mind to breakdown the beliefs of the "old paradigm" of unions.