Lots of shifting this month and for Union templates. We are being asked to shift into new realities for relationships. Have you noticed that things that use to work are not? Or maybe you’ve notice that your relationship isn’t bringing the joy it use to? Old patterns coming up to be completely cleared? We are crumbing these relationships, to create new. Each layer is being peeled back to develop healthy relationships. Many of us haven’t ever experienced a healthy relationship. So… how do you know what to do? Notice those feelings. What are they teaching you? Breaking generational long patterns isn’t easy, but we chose to be pattern breakers. Take time to see how far you’ve come. Ride the wave friends. We are becoming new beings. Welcome to the awakening…. You are the creator of your reality. #activations #monthly #spiritual #hypnosis #soul #threecccshealing #remembering #starseed #investing #youareenough #mindset #thebodykeepsscore #hypnosis #mindsetmatters #mindsetcoaching #lightlangaugecodes #relationships #unions #templates #activatingyourselfhealingpower
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